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Primary Academy


Definition of SEN: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice, Department for Health and Education, January 2015: 


“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her which is different from, or additional to, that normally available to pupils of the same age.”


At Twickenham Primary Academy, we believe that every child is unique and deserves an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. We are committed to providing an education that meets the needs of all our learners, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.


Aims of our SEND provision at TPA


At Twickenham Primary Academy, our approach to SEND is rooted in inclusivity, individualised support, and a commitment to every child's unique journey, recognising that all children have a right to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. We aim to create a happy, educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full potential. We prioritise a holistic understanding of each of our learners, collaborating closely with parents, external agencies, and our dedicated team to create tailored support plans. Our approach focuses on early identification, personalised interventions, and a nurturing environment where every child feels valued and supported. We strive to empower every student, celebrating their strengths and supporting their challenges to ensure they thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. 



We aim to:


  • Ensure that our curriculum is responsive to all children whatever their individual need
  • Promote positive attitudes and individual confidence
  • Ensure all children experience success
  • Identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils' special educational needs
  • Encourage parents/guardians to be involved in planning and supporting at all stages of their child's development
  • Make effective use of support services



We adopt a whole school approach to special educational needs. No pupil will be refused admission to school on the basis of his or her special educational need although we will be clear about what provision the school can reasonably provide. We will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective educational provision. All staff work to ensure inclusion of all pupils and to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities can fulfil their potential and achieve optimal educational outcomes. All areas of school life are inclusive and the teaching is tailored towards individual learning providing challenge and support; encouraging everyone to reach their full potential. Staff provide a positive ethos to enable the children to work towards the development of life skills and instil life-long learning aspirations for everyone through a range of activities which are fun and enjoyable.

We have a register of our SEND pupils and each pupil has an individual educational plan (IEP) to identify areas for development, provision that is in place, targets and action points. The IEPs are drawn up by our SENCO and class teachers, parents and the pupil if appropriate. 





Our SENCO is Miss Grace Burke

Twickenham Primary Academy, 57 Colne Road,  Twickenham, TW2 6QF

Ph: +44 (0) 203 019 6196  Email:



SEND policies

Please visit our policies page for more information



SEND Information, Advice and Support


Richmond Local Offer


Achieving for Children (AfC) – Richmond and Kingston children’s services Richmond Council on 020 8891 1411


SENDIASS Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service or SENDIASS is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people (up to 25 years).



Richmond Office: 20 Windham Road, Richmond, TW9 2HP


Single Point of Access (SPA) is your first port of call to all Children’s Services in Richmond & Kingston including enquiries about CAMHS

Tel: 020 8547 5008

Out of hours Tel: 020 8770 5000


RUILS (Richmond Users Independent Living Scheme) Family Matters Service is offered to the parents of children and/or young people who have additional needs living in Richmond. A support worker aims to help by listening to parents’ worries and experiences in a non-judgmental way.



Richmond Aid (RAID) Disability, Action and Advice Centre (DAAC) Free service


Reception: 020 8831 6080

Advice Line: 020 8831 6070 Advice, support and information on disability & benefits


General enquiries email:

4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, TW11 8HT


National Autistic Society (NAS) Richmond Branch. A friendly parent-led group aiming to support families in the borough living with autism spectrum disorders

Tel: 07810 505982



SkyLarks is an independent Richmond Upon Thames based charity that helps children and young people with additional needs and their families, in Richmond and surrounding areas. They provide access to therapies, courses and information for whole families.  They can also offer free legal advice on SEN and educational matters.


Tel: 07946 646033


Crossway Centre, 306 Richmond Road, East Twickenham TW1 2PD


Ambitious For All