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Twickenham Primary Academy home page


Primary Academy

School Clubs

Pupil Premium

We offer support towards our TPA run Clubs and Breakfast Club for Pupil Premium Families.


Breakfast Club:

50% off Breakfast Club Booking


TPA Run Clubs:

One club free entitlement per pupil, per term. Fees are applicable if you join more than one club



Beyond the classroom, every OLT School offers enriching experiences and extra-curricular activities. Pupils of all ages can take part in activities to pursue their interests, and have the chance to develop and explore new ones.


From creative and performing arts to subject extensions and sporting activities we offer a range of activities to suit every energetic young mind. Enriching extra-curricular activities build children's aspirations, give them foundation and transferable skills and help them make new friends in the school and have fun. 


A wide range of age appropriate clubs are offered both before, at lunchtime and after school for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils.


All clubs provided are managed by Miss Hana


Extra Curricular Provision currently includes

(Provided by TPA & Privately run clubs)


  • Prep Club
  • Phonics Club 
  • Dance and Drama Club
  • Ballet Club
  • Choir 
  • ICT Club
  • Computer Science Club 
  • French Club
  • Lego-Storytime Club 
  • Mindfulness Club
  • Football Club
  • Basketball Club 
  • Art / Craft Club
  • Netball Club
  • Karate Club
  • Ball Skills Club
  • Sewing Club
  • Chess Club 
  • Science Club 
  • Homework Club 
  • Diamond & Punch Needle Art Club
  • D.T Club
  • Debate Club


Richmond Music Trust

  • Piano 
  • Guitar 
  • Recorder
  • Music Makers 


For information about Richmond Music Trust please visit their website: 


    Ambitious For All