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Primary Academy


The children have an afternoon of Golden Time every Friday. They are free to play, be creative and make friends.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural 


At TPA, we recognise and firmly believe that the development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally plays a significant part not only in their ability to learn and achieve but in their ability to relate fully to, and have the ability to, access the world they live in. See SMSC Jigsaw overview for how SMSC is delivered within PHSE


Our RE and PSHE lessons from EYFS to Year 6 offers opportunities for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, and this is clearly mapped and balanced across each year group. Our opportunities for SMSC development in the wider curriculum continue to change and evolve. Below are some examples of how we ensure children have this opportunity in school but it is very much part of the ethos and vision of the school. 


Spiritual - We encourage spiritual development during RE lessons, assemblies and by welcoming and accepting the spiritual beliefs of others within our school community. We create opportunities for the children to experience stillness as well as reflecting on, considering and celebrating the wonders and mysteries of life. 


Moral - We develop moral understanding and problem solving through our behaviour expectations through PSHE lessons and mindfulness lessons. Our behaviour policy and approach important that children take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others; distinguish between right and wrong and make informed and independent judgements. 


Social- We have a wide variety of opportunities for social development in school including: PSHE lessons; Sports Coached lessons; Social skills intervention groups; a consistent behaviour policy with clear consequences and rewards (see behaviour policy) and a restorative approach to supporting children to make good decisions. We ensure all pupils have a voice through an elected school council who have the power to make changes in school and clubs such as debating further explore the promotion of British Values. We develop an understanding of their individual and group identity, learning about service in the school and wider community and beginning to understand the needs of others.


Cultural -The cultural development of our children is encouraged and supported through assemblies; RE lessons; understanding different cultures; themed weeks (for example World Religion Week) and in welcoming and accepting the cultural beliefs of everyone in our school community. We ensure illustrations and examples shared with children are drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible. We recognise, respect and celebrate the value and richness of cultural diversity in Britain, and how these influence individuals and society


Our aim at TPA is to inspire confident learners who will thrive in a changing world. We want our pupils to aim high in their expectations, to raise their aspirations, promote equality of opportunity, celebrate diversity, challenge stereotypes and prepare for their future roles. Personal Development education plays a critical role in preparing all young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Expectations are high, including for our most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities. Pupils are challenged appropriately and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning so that they become more adaptable and resilient and make decisions and transitions.

How SMSC is linked to our Jigsaw PSHE scheme.

Ambitious For All