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Twickenham Primary Academy home page


Primary Academy


Our vision for SEND:

At Twickenham Primary Academy we recognise that all children have a right to a broad, balanced relevant and differentiated curriculum.  We aim to create a happy, educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full potential.  We recognise that children are individuals, that each one has needs special to them.


Definition of SEN: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice, Department for Health and Education, January 2015: 


“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her which is different from, or additional to, that normally available to pupils of the same age.”


At Twickenham Primary Academy, we believe that every child is unique and deserves an inclusive and nurturing learning environment. We are committed to providing an education that meets the needs of all our learners, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.



Our SENCO is Miss Rebecca Johnson

Twickenham Primary Academy, 57 Colne Road,  Twickenham, TW2 6QF

Ph: +44 (0) 203 019 6196  Email:

Aims of our SEND provision at TPA


At Twickenham Primary Academy, our approach to SEND is rooted in inclusivity, individualised support, and a commitment to every child's unique journey, recognising that all children have a right to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. We aim to create a happy, educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full potential. We prioritise a holistic understanding of each of our learners, collaborating closely with parents, external agencies, and our dedicated team to create tailored support plans. Our approach focuses on early identification, personalised interventions, and a nurturing environment where every child feels valued and supported. We strive to empower every student, celebrating their strengths and supporting their challenges to ensure they thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. 



We aim to:


  • Ensure that our curriculum is responsive to all children whatever their individual need
  • Promote positive attitudes and individual confidence
  • Ensure all children experience success
  • Identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils' special educational needs
  • Encourage parents/guardians to be involved in planning and supporting at all stages of their child's development
  • Make effective use of support services



We adopt a whole school approach to special educational needs. No pupil will be refused admission to school on the basis of his or her special educational need although we will be clear about what provision the school can reasonably provide. We will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective educational provision. All staff work to ensure inclusion of all pupils and to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities can fulfil their potential and achieve optimal educational outcomes. All areas of school life are inclusive and the teaching is tailored towards individual learning providing challenge and support; encouraging everyone to reach their full potential. Staff provide a positive ethos to enable the children to work towards the development of life skills and instil life-long learning aspirations for everyone through a range of activities which are fun and enjoyable.

We have a register of our SEND pupils and each pupil has an individual educational plan (IEP) to identify areas for development, provision that is in place, targets and action points. The IEPs are drawn up by our SENCO and class teachers, parents and the pupil if appropriate. 





Our SENCO is Miss Rebecca Johnson

Twickenham Primary Academy, 57 Colne Road,  Twickenham, TW2 6QF

Ph: +44 (0) 203 019 6196  Email:

At Twickenham Primary Academy we recognise that all children have a right to a broad, balanced relevant and differentiated curriculum.  We aim to create a happy, educationally exciting and positive environment in which all pupils can develop to their full potential.  We recognise that children are individuals, that each one has needs special to them.


We aim to:

  • Ensure that our curriculum is responsive to all children whatever their individual need
  • Promote positive attitudes and individual confidence
  • Ensure all children experience success
  • Identify, assess, record and regularly review pupils' special educational needs
  • Encourage parents/guardians to be involved in planning and supporting at all stages of their child's development using person centered planning
  • Make effective use of support services


The Richmond (AfC) Local Offer for Children with SEN and disabilities can be found linked at the foot of this page. 


Definition of SEND

A child has a learning disability if he or she:


  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.


(Code of Practice DfE 2014)


Our admissions policy for children with SEND.

If there are more applications received than there are places, any children for whom the school is named in a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health & Care Plan will take priority over other applicants when being offered a place.


Information and Guidance - Points of contact

Who should I contact to discuss concerns or needs of my child?

TPA is committed to working in partnership with parents and will listen to any concerns parents may wish to raise. Please contact the school via email or phone call is you wish to speak with a member of staff.


  • The Class teacher is the first point of contact.  They monitor the progress of each child and liaise with key staff about interventions needed if necessary.
  • The SENCO (also the Inclusion Manager) deals with concerns which cannot be dealt with by the class teacher.


Assessment, planning and review/ Partnerships for Progress

How does the school know how well my child is doing?

  • Ongoing teacher assessment strategies are used to determine progress and attainment.
  • Diagnostic marking is used in literacy and maths and provides feedback to pupils
  • Targets are set in reading, writing and maths for each pupil which are monitored termly.
  • Class teachers attend a pupil progress meeting each term with the Principal to discuss the progress of each pupil. The rates of progress are monitored and those pupils not making the expected progress are identified.



How will I be kept informed about how well my child is doing and how regularly will this occur? 

  • Regular review meetings are held with the class teacher and Principal to track progress towards outcomes and evaluate interventions.
  • Parents are invited to Parents' Evenings at least twice a year to discuss progress, attainment levels and expected outcomes with the class teacher.
  • If your child is on the SEN register you will have additional IEP review meetings with the class teacher and SENCo.
  • IEPs (Individual Education Plans) will outline the strategies which are used to support the child. These will be reviewed regularly, taking into account the view of the child, parents and staff.
  • Children with EHC plans have an annual review, in addition to three IEP reviews, where progress is reviewed and the plan amended if needed.
  • An annual report to parents/carers is written by the class teacher which details the achievements, strengths and areas of development in the different curriculum areas.  A settling in report and mid-year summary report is also distributed to all parents.
  • School staff may informally discuss progress with parents/carers as needed.


Will I know if my child is not making progress and what will happen?

  • Strategies will be put in place in order for the identified pupils to reach their expected outcomes.
  • Additional support may be provided after discussions with key staff, parents/carers, pupils and where relevant, external agencies.
  • The school identifies the needs of SEN pupils on a provision map.  This identifies all support given within school and is reviewed regularly with changes made as needed.  In this way the needs of the children are met and resources are deployed as effectively as possible.
  •  The school will seek external support for children continuing to experience significant difficulty - this may involve an application for an Education Health and Care Plan assessment.  


Curriculum and Teaching Methods (Including groupings and interventions)

What is the curriculum and how is it taught? 

  • The school will be using the National Curriculum as a basis of our learning.
  • Class teachers are responsible for the learning of ALL children in their class and they ensure that all children receive 'quality first teaching' - keeping children working with their peers for the majority of the time.


How will the curriculum be adapted to meet the needs of my child and how will the teacher show flexibility when meeting those needs? 

  • Teachers are skilled at adapting and differentiating the curriculum to take account of individual pupil needs.
  • Teachers will be able to take into account different learning styles and use them to ensure that they meet the needs of all the children in their class.
  • First hand experiences through visits are explored when topics are planned.  Grouping arrangements are organised carefully to maximise the learning opportunities for all.
  • Additional adults may be used to support groups or individuals, but being on the SEN register does not necessarily mean that your child will be allocated a one to one support as independence must also be fostered. Children may be identified as benefitting from intervention programmes.
  • Progress within these programmes is carefully monitored.


Is there any additional support available to help my child reach his/her expected outcomes?

  • A range of intervention programmes in the areas of literacy, numeracy, language, social, emotional and motor skills are available to support individuals and groups and there are staff trained to deliver them.
  • The use of intervention programmes is monitored by assessing their impact.
  • Intervention programmes are continually under review.
  • Advice from educational agencies such as Educational Psychology, speech, language and communication , behavioural support and health agencies such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and CAMHS may be sought if your child is on the SEN register.


Access to learning and the Curriculum

Are there any special features or strategies to help children learn? How do I know my child's particular needs will be met?


  • Children are involved in their own learning and are able to feed their opinions into the topics taught.
  • Children are made aware of their targets and next steps and their opinions are sought regularly on what supports them best.
  • They receive feedback on progress through discussions with teachers and diagnostic marking.
  • Self evaluation is also encouraged.
  • In EYFSm Year One and the start of Year Two, daily phonics lessons are taught
  • Lessons are differentiated where appropriate.
  • Learning walls in the classrooms support the learning of literacy and mathematics.  
  • ICT is used to support learning, including computer programmes.
  • Some classes/ identified pupils may be allocated support staff and have access to guided group work.
  • External agencies can provide advice and may offer individual or group tuition depending on a pupil's individual need.
  • All classes have a visual timetable on display which details the daily planned activities.  Some pupils have their own visual timetable.
  • The school's physical environment will be accessible to all learners including those with disabilities.
  • Reasonable adjustments are made to help pupils to learn.  For example, some pupils may use special equipment such as pencil grips, sound amplification systems and sloped writing desks.
  • Children may be identified as benefitting from social skills groups and the use of social stories.


Test and Assessments - Access Arrangements

What arrangements are available for pupils to access tests and assessments?

  • Some pupils for statutory tests access them in a smaller environment and support for reading of tests or writing for pupils may be requested as appropriate and to comply with test guidelines.
  • The school adheres to current access arrangements for Key Stage Statutory tests.
  • Booster and target groups are run throughout the school year.


 How will I know if my child qualifies for additional support or time to access tests?

  • Year 6 pupils may be assessed to determine whether individuals qualify for additional time.
  • Class teachers will inform parents/carers whether their child qualifies for additional support or time to access tests.


Social and Emotional support

How does the school help my child to feel comfortable and safe and manage social situations? How does the school help develop my child's social and emotional skills? What is the school's policy on bullying?


  • All classes follow a structured PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economical) education programme.
  • The school follows a Restorative approach to behaviour which teachers and TAs are trained in how to deliver. 
  • Teachers identify children who would benefit from small group interventions to develop their social and emotional skills.
  • Behaviour support strategies, developed with teachers, teaching assistants, the SENCo and the Principal, help children to manage their behaviour.
  • Home/school liaison is encouraged
  • Strong ethos of pastoral care are evident throughout the school
  • Anti bullying policy and procedures are in place and followed by all staff
  • Transition preparation in put into place with those children that need further support


Accessibility to Premises and Facilities

What facilities are in the school to assist children with disabilities move around the building and take part in all lessons? How do I know my child will be able to access all lessons?


  • The building and play areas are accessible to wheelchair users.
  • Disabled toilet
  • Lift to allow children to access all floors
  • Awareness of sensory issues
  • Reasonable adjustments are made by staff to ensure children with disabilities can access all lessons.
  • Trips will be planned taking into account the needs of children with disabilities.
  • Transition preparation to ensure new classrooms meet the needs of the children


Working with others 

Who does the school work with? How does the school work with other agencies? How will I be informed?

WPA will work with a number of services including:


  • Educational psychology services
  • EISS (Emotional Support Service) with Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
  • Sensory Impairment Services
  • AfC SEN Team
  • Speech and Language Service
  • SEN Team Parent Partnership
  • Occupational Therapy
  • School Nurse
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • The SENCO liaises with class teachers, leadership team and parents to prioritise referrals to these services.
  • Referrals to services may also come about following pupil review meetings.  This will be discussed with parents/carers.
  • Parents views will be sought and they may be invited or can request to meet with the service.
  • Reports and recommendations are shared with parents and expected outcomes and strategies to meet those outcomes are planned.



How will the school help my child settle with confidence and manage change as they move between schools and year groups.


Early years Transition

  • The class teacher generally attends transition meetings for pupils with SEN making the transition from Pre School to nursery or reception easier.
  • Class teacher visits child in setting or home.
  • Parents are invited to a pre-admission meeting.
  • Stay and play sessions will be available in the summer term for all prospective Reception children and parents


Moving on at Year 6

  • Key staff and often some year 7 students from the secondary school will visit TPA and speak to the year 6 pupils transferring to their school.
  • All pupils in Year 6 are invited to a familiarisation at their secondary school.
  • Children are prepared for the visit and given information in advance as necessary.
  • Additional visits to the secondary school may be arranged for individuals or groups as needed.
  • Transition arrangements are planned at Year 6 Education, Health and Care Plan reviews.
  • Secondary schools are invited to attend.
  • SENCO attends Year 6 to Year 7 SEN transfer meeting.
  • Information transferred in advance of move.


Moving schools

If your child is moving to another school we will:


  • Contact the school SENCo and ensure that he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child.
  • Make sure all records for your child are passed on as soon as possible.


If your child joins us from another school we will:


  • Contact the school SENCo to find out about any special arrangements or support that needs to be made for your child.
  • Meet with parents to discuss any concerns and plan any support


Moving classes


  • Transition visits to new classes are planned in the second half of the summer term.
  • Identified pupils may have a number of additional visits to the new class.
  • Meet the teacher meetings take place in the summer term which give parents a chance to find out about arrangements for such things as homework, topics and general expectations. 
  • The summer term pupil profile review will include updating the pupil profile to be used as a transition document
  • Transition meetings between the current and new teacher will take place to ensure information is shared effectively



SEND policies

Please visit our policies page for more information



SEND Information, Advice and Support


Richmond Local Offer


Achieving for Children (AfC) – Richmond and Kingston children’s services Richmond Council on 020 8891 1411


SENDIASS Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service or SENDIASS is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people (up to 25 years).



Richmond Office: 20 Windham Road, Richmond, TW9 2HP


Single Point of Access (SPA) is your first port of call to all Children’s Services in Richmond & Kingston including enquiries about CAMHS

Tel: 020 8547 5008

Out of hours Tel: 020 8770 5000


RUILS (Richmond Users Independent Living Scheme) Family Matters Service is offered to the parents of children and/or young people who have additional needs living in Richmond. A support worker aims to help by listening to parents’ worries and experiences in a non-judgmental way.



Richmond Aid (RAID) Disability, Action and Advice Centre (DAAC) Free service


Reception: 020 8831 6080

Advice Line: 020 8831 6070 Advice, support and information on disability & benefits


General enquiries email:

4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, TW11 8HT


National Autistic Society (NAS) Richmond Branch. A friendly parent-led group aiming to support families in the borough living with autism spectrum disorders

Tel: 07810 505982



SkyLarks is an independent Richmond Upon Thames based charity that helps children and young people with additional needs and their families, in Richmond and surrounding areas. They provide access to therapies, courses and information for whole families.  They can also offer free legal advice on SEN and educational matters.


Tel: 07946 646033


Crossway Centre, 306 Richmond Road, East Twickenham TW1 2PD


Ambitious For All