Children at Twickenham Primary Academy achieve highly and we are proud of the results that we have produced so far; this further demonstrates our firm commitment to high standards of achievement. Our curriculum and environment fosters pupils who are respectful, polite, and honest and contribute to the community in a positive manner. As a school, we are determined that our children will leave us in Year 6 as confident, ambitious, independent and well educated young people who are ready for the next part in their education.
Teachers continually use assessment of the children’s responses and the work they produce to measure impact. Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review. This includes book scrutinies, learning walks and lesson observations to measure the impact of teaching and learning. As well as pupil interviews to gauge children’s engagement and enjoyment of the curriculum. Teachers and leaders also have the school’s curriculum assessment data to support judgements on the impact our curriculum is having.
Exemplification Materials
These documents exemplify key performance indicators of the expected standards in the relevant year groups. They are used to support the moderation of teacher judgements when assessing the extent to which a child has demonstrated the expected standards.