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Primary Academy

Admissions Policy Consultation

The Omnia Learning Trust: Consultation on admission arrangements for Twickenham Primary Academy 2025/26 is now closed.


On behalf of the Trustees of the Omnia Learning Trust, the Directors of Twickenham Primary Academy consulted on the additional oversubsciption criteria (b) for admission to the school from September 2025


When the school is oversubscribed, in accordance with legal requirements, children who have an Education, Health & Care (EHC) Plan in which the school is named in Section I must always be admitted .


Oversubscription Criteria

The oversubscription criteria below will be followed in descending order of priority. The Trust will seek specialist advice with regard to the updated LAC, PLAC and IAPLAC criteria adopted by other Local Authorities listed below.


a.  Children who are “looked after”  (LAC) by a Local Authority (LA) within the meaning of Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989 at the time of their application, and all “previously looked after” children  (PLAC) [see footnote below] including those who appear to this Admissions Authority to have been in state care outside England (IAPLAC)  and ceased to be in state care having been adopted [see footnote below]. Evidence of the previously looked after status and/or the adoption will be requested.


b.  Priority will next be given to the children of staff who have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made;


c.  Places will then be offered to children who have a sibling living at the same address who is attending Twickenham Primary Academy at the time of admission, including an adopted, foster, half- or step- brother or sister, living at the same address and attending the same school at the time of admission;


d.  The remaining places will be offered to children whose home is nearest to the school


In line with the requirements of the Admissions Code 2021, this consultation seeks to engage with parents and carers of children already at the school, as well as future parents of the school, the staff, other local admissions authorities, and other interested parties.


The consultation ran from the 17th November 2023 to the 5th January 2024. The Trustees received no feedback in relation to the proposed changes and will therefore adopt oversubscription criteria 1(b) from September 2025.



Consultation Feedback

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