Complaints and concerns
Raising concerns
We hope to be able to resolve all issues
We have a Complaints Policy available in the policies section of the website or on request from the School Office. If you wish to raise a concern or a complaint please speak directly with the appropriate member of staff this could be your class teacher, a member of the admin team or the principal. We would hope to be able to resolve all issues at this informal stage. If, however, you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the discussion please refer to the Principal. If the initial discussion was with the Principal we suggest you write to him more formally. Any formal stage complaints that are not resolved will be referred to the Multi-Academy Trust complaint panel.
A complaint about the Principal should be made in writing to the Chairman of the MAT for initial consideration, addressed to the CEO at the school address.
Useful contacts
Miss Erin Moscardini
Twickenham Primary Academy, 57 Colne Road, Twickenham, TW2 6QF
Tel: 02030196196
Ms Jodie Croft
Omnia Learning Trust, c/o Twickenham Primary Academy, 57 Colne Road, Twickenham, TW2 6QF
Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD
Free Phone: 0300 123 1231
The DfE have a Contact Us form on their website to use when communicating with them.
Please visit the Policies section of our website to view the OLT Complaints Policy: