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Primary Academy

MFL- Spanish

We learn a poem from memory every term. Here is our Spring Term Poem.

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Y4 acted out a dialogue ordering food in a Tapas bar!

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We learn rhymes and songs to practise our phonics in Spanish

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Year 3 2023

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Year 3 having been learning dialogues using the vocabulary needed in the classroom to borrow equipment from each other.

Y3 dialogue

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Our Spanish curriculum intends to immerse pupils in the four core strands of learning language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. As pupils progress through the year groups, they gradually build upon, consolidate and strengthen key skills. Children are taught Spanish by a specialist teacher from Y1 to Y6. In EYFS, class teachers and teaching assistants support Spanish language acquisition through songs and stories.



Lessons are taught weekly from Y1 to Y6. Whilst foreign languages are a compulsory subject at Key Stage 2 (Year 3 upwards), our pupils start learning Spanish in EYFS through informal songs and stories; we build on this in Year 1. Then the learning becomes more formal as they move into Year 2. This exposes pupils to different cultures from the start of their time at TPA and encourages them to think beyond their own world.

At TPA, we have a bespoke Spanish curriculum which develops children language skills throughout their time at our school.  Each weekly lesson includes games, rhymes, opportunities to practice speaking and writing new vocabulary within different contexts. Pupils are also exposed to grammar structures and begin implementing this when writing and speaking. From Year 2, children have an hour a week of Spanish.

Pupils are taught to:

Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
Engage in conversations, ask and answer questions, express opinions and respond to those of others, and seek clarification and help.
Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.
Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary. 
Develop a knowledge of Spanish phonics which is later applied to decode longer pieces of Spanish text.
Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, expressing their ideas clearly.
Describe people, places, things and actions in speech and writing. 



Our curriculum allows all pupils to speak with enthusiasm and confidence. As children progress into Key Stage Two, they are equipped to apply key vocabulary and knowledge of phonics to write at a greater length and with increasing accuracy. Through our lessons, pupils are equipped to take their knowledge of Spanish into the real world, for example learners in Year 6 could link their learning about deforestation in geography to their Spanish and English learning to create persuasive posters in Spanish about this topic.

Ambitious For All